Sam Jonah’s claim on culture of silence must not be dismissed


Former President of Ghana, John Agyekum KufuorFormer President of Ghana, John Agyekum Kufuor

Former President John Agyekum Kufuor has urged a thorough examination of Senior Citizen, Sir Jonah’s claim that culture of silence has returned to Ghana.

According to him, the claim by Sam Jonah should not be dismissed or discredited.

He made the appeal in an interview with Citi FM’s Bernard Avle.

The former President stressed that the claim must be examined in detail and perhaps evidence looked into before a conclusion is made.

He expressed the belief that Sam Jonah’s comment might be based on some experiences he has had with his pedigree, hence such claims should not be taken lightly.

“They have their experiences, so I am in no position to say what they are saying is unfounded. For a man like Sam to speak the way he did, suggests that he has some evidence,” said Mr. Kufuor.

It would be recalled that Sir Sam Jonah, while delivering a speech at a public lecture with Rotarians in Accra under the theme; ‘Down the Up Escalator: Reflections on Ghana’s Future by a Senior Citizen’ on April 22, 2021, stated that the culture of silence was slowly returning to Ghana through what he termed convenience, hypocrisy and parochialism.

“It appears to me that in recent times and in our Fourth Republican dispensation, the courage to stand up for the truth and the determination to uphold the common good is lost. In our dark moments as a nation, it is concerning that the voices of the intellectuals are receding into oblivion. Sadly, it is a consequence of the deep partisan polarisation of our country such that everything is seen through the lenses of politics,” he stated.

“It happens that the culture of silence has returned. This time not enforced by legal and military power but through convenience, parochialism, hypocrisy, and a lack of conviction. Where are our Adu Boahens and PV Ansahs?” according to him.

But Sam Jonah has been challenged by some individuals for making such a claim.

However, Mr. Kufuor says Sam Jonah’s comment should be given attention and be considered.

“They say freedom is not handed on a silver platter, sometimes you fight for it. This is part of the uses of the media, to dare to speak up to uphold public interest… Sam Jonah has said it and Sam is very responsible and a high member of the community. I want to say that it should not be treated casually. He might have something he is advocating for, and it is not for me to dispute him. Just saying, when you allege, you prove it. You don’t put it all on the government as such,” Kufuor said.


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