NCCE blasts MPs over chaotic inauguration


confusion hits parliament
Confusion hits parliament

The National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) has expressed disappointment in members of the 8th Parliament over the chaos that marred its inauguration.

NCCE believes the drama that characterised the proceeding of the inauguration of the 8th Parliament of the Fourth Republic was unconstitutional, disgraceful, detestable and smacks of indiscipline.

Its Chairperson, Josephine Nkrumah, in a statement said it will be in the best interest of the Members of Parliament (MPs) to apologise to Ghanaians over the incident and called for an immediate probe.

“The NCCE urges Parliament to purge itself from this blemish by rending an unqualified apology to Ghanaians and take steps to investigate why the military was deployed to invade the chamber,” parts of the statement read.


Meanwhile, NCCE has advised that all members, who played a role in the chaotic scenes, must face the appropriate sanctions.

Read the full statement below:


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