Wendy Shay details why she unfollowed Delay


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Wendy Shay in a Facebook Live video sought to clarify a situation that has the potential of creating some tension between herself and Deloris Frimpong Manso nicknamed Delay.

On the Delay Show some weeks ago, Deloris mentioned that Wendy’s recent look breeds suspicion that the songstress might be going through a tough time.

Delay insinuated that her loss of weight and sudden change in outlook could be because she had some kind of addiction.

Many have an uncanny feeling about Wendy’s loss of weight and numerous piercings, and the daring Delay was not afraid to let her suspicions be known.

Delay claimed that Wendy called her right after the show and they both shared a laugh over her comments about her.

However, the award-winning media personality revealed on her most recent show that Wendy Shay had unfollowed her on Instagram afterwards.

Nonetheless, the presenter was unperturbed as she expressed that she was only doing what a big sister in the industry would do by pointing out the singer’s mistakes.

The Roughtown Records signee in a Facebook Live video addressed the issue clarifying that her reason for unfollowing Delay had nothing to do with her comment.

Wendy claimed that Delay had unfollowed her over a year ago, probably because of some falsehood some industry people spewed about her.

The Uber Driver hit crooner added that she had finally decided to start afresh and follow her fans and real loved ones only.

She found it surprising that Delay would unfollow her first and then complain when she did the same.

”I think that if you feel that a colleague is going through something you should rather call and check on them. They might be really going through some rough times”, Wendy said.


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She explained that she decided to slim down because she doesn’t like looking chubby. According to her, she was bullied as a kid because she looked chunky.


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