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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Table tennis still waiting for ministry’s directive on COVID-19, says Tikon |

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For the Nigeria Table Tennis Federation (NTTF), Ishaku Tikon, the federation is ready to resume competitions, following the recommendation of the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 pandemic that some non-contact sports can go on with their activities.

The PTF on COVID-19 recently said such sports as badminton, table tennis, tennis and track and field events could resume with strict adherence to set safety protocols.

Tikon, however, said despite the PTF’s pronouncement, the federation would still wait for directives from the sports ministry, which is expected to meet with the National Assembly, before deciding how to restart its programmes.

“As you know, table tennis is among the non-contact sports that have been cleared to commence full activities by the PTF on COVID-19 pandemic. But we will do it in tandem with the ministry’s protocol.

“We are aware that the minister is in contact with the National Assembly for the resumption of non-contact sports. Until then, I may not be able to say anything now because we don’t know the outcome of the minister’s meeting with the National Assembly. That is the more reason why we have to wait for them,” he stated.

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