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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Menopause & Intimacy: Changes That Take Place In The Body Of A Man As He Grows Older

The term “male menopause” is often used colloquially to refer to the less common “andropause” in men. Typically occurring around the age of 50 and above, men may experience a decline in testosterone levels. While men do not undergo the same symptoms as women, they do encounter certain changes that are comparable. However, it is important to note that healthy men can continue to produce spèrm well into old age.

In this article, we will explore some of the physical changes related to aging that men may undergo. Sit back and allow this article to provide you with new insights.

What Physical Changes Do Men Experience as They Age?

According to healthline, one change that occurs in a man’s body as he ages is the development of gynecomastia, commonly known as “man boobs.” This is because as men grow older, their bodies go through a series of changes. With a significant drop in testosterone levels, the female hormone can sometimes take over, leading to the growth of breast tissue.

Another physical change that occurs in men as they age is erèctile dysfunction. Decreased testosterone levels can contribute to this condition, along with hormonal fluctuations and reductions.

As men age, their bodies also undergo changes that may make them less inclined to seek physical intimacy. This is a symptom often associated with andropause, also referred to as the male menopause. Men over the age of 50 may experience a significant decline in their desire for sèxual closeness.

Age-related infertility is another physical alteration that men experience. Contrary to common assumptions, spèrm quantity and quality decrease as men age, making it slightly more challenging for older men to conceive. While it is not impossible for an older man to father a child, the odds decrease significantly.

Decreased muscle mass and strength is a fifth physical change that often occurs in men as their testosterone levels decline. This loss of muscle mass and strength primarily affects the upper body.

Hence, it is incorrect to assume that an adult male will age in the same way he has always been. While the appropriate term is andropause, the use of “male menopause” is also commonly employed to describe the same phenomenon in men.

Content created and supplied by: Jmews (via Opera
News )

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