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Sunday, June 2, 2024

“You are just a regular citizen”, Gachagua Lambasts Raila as he Issues Terms for Bipartisan Talks

Deputy President Righati Gachagua has issued a stern warning to the opposition leader Raila Odinga. The second-in-command stated that before any talks could take place, Mr. Odinga should recognise Ruto as the president.

Gachagua stated on April 9 during a church service in Mathira that the conversations he facilitated are between Raila and the parliament, not between him and the president.

“As a result, we told him to address the House of Representatives, but Ruto and I are unable to speak with Raila,” Gachagua said. “Before we act, he must formally recognise Ruto as Kenya’s president.”

According to Do Gachagua, Odinga met Ruto on April 1st, seeking a way out after reaching a stalemate with the mass protest. He did, however, admonish Raila to inform his MPs ahead of time.

“We told him that because his MPs are elected, he should speak to ours.” But why are we unable to speak with him? “Who exactly is he in Kenya?”He is just a regular citizen; no one elected him.” Allow them to go to Parliament and engage with MPs, and they will report back to us on what he said. “We don’t have time,” Rigathi continued.

The second in command further criticized Raila for being a scapegoat of the rising cost of living. He said that the opposition leader failed Kenyans during handshake era. According to Gachagua Raila remained silence in opposition after handshake and this made things the way they are right now

Sources: https://www.kenyans.co.ke/news/87948-gachagua-corners-raila-sets-condition-talks-ruto

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