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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Raila was Fired from the AU – Fresh Details Emerge of What Happened

Fresh details have emerged that that the Azimio leader Raila Odinga was fired from the African Union Job because of his attempts to discredit Ruto’s administration. According to diplomatic sources, the Azimio leader attempts to discredit a government that has the support of the African Union is what’s working against him.

Here is a link: https://nation.africa/kenya/news/revealed-how-president-ruto-got-raila-fired-from-au-job-4135536

Raila Odinga is also said to have launched coup threats to the government of president William Ruto. His attempts to term Ruto Illegitimate just because he defeated him in the August 9th polls is what led to his termination.

Raila Odinga has refused to admit that he was defeated in the August 9th polls under the watch of the African Union. The Azimio coalition leader has also sustained rallies as well warned of mass action and destruction in the next 14 days.

According to diplomatic sources, the African Union doesn’t recognize a person tries to fight a government of the people. Sources reveal that president Ruto’s hand might have been involved in the sacking of the Azimio leader from AU given the communication was delivered by his PS.

Content created and supplied by: Nyandu (via Opera
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Raila Odinga
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