25.4 C
Monday, April 29, 2024

Sultana:Major Slaps Asia for Disrespecting Fatima

In today’s episode, Major will find Fatima in her room crying. Major insists to know what’s her problem but Fatima doesn’t want to say it. Major asks her if it’s about Dida and Mbuya and Fatima says no. Fatima gets out and tells Major he can’t help.

Fatima will go outside and starts to cry again. Major will follow her and finds her briefcase outside. Fatima tells Major that is not fair for being treated badly. Major asks if Ua chased her but Fatima says it’s Asia and it’s not fair.

Major will call Asia and slaps her twice. Fatima supports Major and tells him the slaps are not enough. Major warns Asia to never disrespect Fatima and should understand her work is house help only. Major tells Asia to take the bag and put it in Fatima’s room. Fatima will be happy and tells Asia to carry the bag carefully because it’s expensive and should make sure she cleans all the clothes.

Content created and supplied by: Chistina0 (via Opera
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