16.2 C
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Delegates Barred From Displaying Cast Ballot

Prof Mike Oquaye


The ruling New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Presidential Elections Committee (PEC) has strongly warned delegates for Saturday’s special electoral college election to follow all electoral laws, regulations, and norms, stressing that photographing cast ballots is totally prohibited.

The committee said image capture of cast ballots constitutes a breach of electoral regulations, and pointed out that such an offence will warrant punitive actions.

“It is essential to note that publicly displaying cast ballots constitutes a criminal offence. We hereby serve notice that those who violate this provision shall be subjected to legal repercussions in accordance with the law,” the PEC stressed in a statement.

Signed by the Secretary, William Yamoah, the PEC informed delegates that any cast ballots publicly displayed would be rejected, indicating, “We wish to further emphasise that there will be no congress on the day of voting, and voting will be strictly walk-in.”

According to the committee, considering this, it is anticipated that there will be no provision for a public address or occasion for any National Party Executive, government representative, or regional executive to publicly address delegates on the day of the voting.

“We wish to reassure all relevant parties, including stakeholders, delegates, aspirants, and the public that with these guidelines in place, no individual can decipher the voting preferences and patterns of specific voters after the voting process concludes.

“This measure guarantees the integrity and confidentiality of the voting exercise,” the statement noted, and added that there would be no special accreditation for the media and observers.

The committee said personnel of the Ghana Police Service would facilitate the movement of everyone at the various voting centres.

“Furthermore, the exclusive oversight of security matters rests with the police, and access beyond security perimeters is restricted solely to duly accredited delegates, aspirants, committee members, or their representatives, and agents of the aspirants,” it said.

It reminded delegates to carry their identification cards and to verify their names at the initial security checkpoint.

The PEC also requested all Regional Executive Committees to suspend any previously planned programmes, including but not limited to workshops, training, extended meetings, retreats, residential retreats, or any events involving delegates camping, for the duration of this week until the conclusion of the Electoral College Election.

“It reiterated once again that its commitment to conduct free, fair, and transparent elections without any bias, fear, or favour, and called for the cooperation of all stakeholders, noting that it has entrusted the entirety of the electoral procedure to the Electoral Commission, with the paramount responsibility of ensuring a transparent, fair, and unfettered election,” it stated.

The committee extended its sincere appreciation to all aspirants, stakeholders, and the public for their invaluable feedback and collaborative efforts throughout the duration of this process.

“This cooperative engagement has significantly contributed to fostering positive interactions among the involved parties,” it said.

By Ernest Kofi Adu

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