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Monday, June 17, 2024

I never had an issue with Fella Makafui and I don’t wish her harm – Deborah Vanessa –

Ghanaian media personality Deborah Vanessa recently emphasized the importance of unity among women in relationships.

In an interview with Kojo Sheldon, she addressed the notion of women fighting over men, particularly citing her own past relationship with Fella Makafui.

Deborah Vanessa highlighted the complexity of relationships, noting that there are numerous layers to consider.

She stressed that there is no justification for women to engage in conflict over a man, as they may not be aware of the full picture or the messages exchanged behind the scenes.

“There is no need to fight a fellow woman over a man. There is so many layers to this. You never know what the man is telling the lady behind her back. I have never had an issue with Fella Makafui,”Deborah Vanessa stated.

Regarding the breakup between Medikal and Fella Makafui, she expressed a nonchalant attitude, stating, “Everybody go chop breakfast,” implying that life goes on despite romantic challenges.

Deborah Vanessa’s message promotes solidarity and understanding among women, encouraging them to prioritize mutual respect and support in relationships.

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