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Monday, June 17, 2024

Tagging business people to political parties destroys, stifles growth – Gabby Otchere-Darko –

Leading member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, has expressed his desire for a future where business people are recognized solely for their entrepreneurial efforts rather than their political party affiliations.

In a post made via X on May 5, 2024, Gabby Otchere-Darko lamented the current trend of labelling business figures as aligned with specific political parties, such as ‘NKP’ or ‘DCP’.

This, he believes, is detrimental to their growth, success and the broader economic development.

He emphasized that the primary goal of business owners is to drive their businesses forward and generate employment opportunities, not to serve partisan interests.

“I yearn for the day when business people will just be business people, and will not be treated with a party political brush. Not an NKP businessman or a DCP businessman.

“They just want their business to succeed and create jobs. The tagging destroys. It stifles growth in Africa,” he posted.

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