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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Asuogyaman MP warns of criminals infiltration in Parliament if vote buying continues –

Thomas Ampem Nyarko, the Member of Parliament for Asuogyaman, has warned that if the rising cases of vote buying in Ghana are not checked, Parliament may soon be infiltrated by armed robbers, cocaine dealers, fraudsters, and other criminal enterprises.

He cautioned that the unchecked impunity of individuals buying votes to win parliamentary primaries and elections poses a significant threat to Ghana’s democracy.

Ampem Nyarko emphasized the need for strict enforcement of existing laws that prohibit vote buying, including the Political Parties Law 2000 (ACT 574) and The Representation of the People’s Law 1992 (PNDC Law 284).

These laws make it illegal to engage in or attempt to induce, votes in exchange for gifts or other incentives.

His statement comes after reports of vote buying during the Ejisu by-election in Ashanti on Tuesday, sparking renewed concerns about the prevalence of the practice in the country.

Addressing residents of Aboasa in the Asuogyaman district during a sod-cutting ceremony for the construction of a Junior High School block from his share of the common fund on Thursday, May 2, 2024, Thomas Ampem Nyarko urged the electorate to reject vote buying and focus on the integrity and development they will get before and after voting.

“If we don’t check voting buying, and electorates decide to vote for the highest bidders then armed robbers, and cocaine dealers will soon become representatives in Parliament. We need people with integrity, those committed to pursue development for the people,” the MP said.


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