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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Agya Koo Fires Back At Mr Beautiful

Agya Koo and Mr Beautiful


Veteran Kumawood actor Agya Koo has hit back at fellow actor Mr Beautiful, advising him to “find a place to sleep” following Mr Beautiful’s remarks about him and other celebrities openly supporting the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

In a Saturday post on social media, Agya Koo aimed at the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), suggesting that they need to remain in opposition for an extended period. He asserted that the NPP holds the key to Ghana’s development across all sectors.

“Ghana has tasted unprecedented development under every New Patriotic Party government,” Agya Koo declared. “However, the same can’t be said about the NDC.”

Agya Koo’s remarks come in response to comments made by Mr Beautiful, who stated that he would feel ashamed if he were Kalybos, Agya Koo, and other celebrities who openly supported the NPP.

“Comparing developments under NPP and NDC, it is clear that the NDC must stay in opposition for some years,” Agya Koo emphasized, concluding his statement with a pointed message to Mr Beautiful: “Menua Beautiful find a Place to sleep.”

The exchange between Agya Koo and Mr Beautiful highlights the ongoing political discourse within the Ghanaian entertainment industry, with celebrities openly expressing their political affiliations and engaging in spirited debates about the country’s future.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how these interactions will impact public opinion and shape the upcoming elections.

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