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Monday, June 17, 2024

Rachel Ruto Speaks at Africa First Ladies Meeting in Ethiopia

First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto has affirmed the government’s dedication to achieving 100% school enrollment and seamless transitions for all children, along with providing universal healthcare access for all Kenyans.

She emphasized the pivotal role that education and healthcare play in reducing outdated practices that subject families to cyclical poverty, gender-based violence, and economic unproductivity.

Rachel Ruto was addressed the audience during the 28th Session of the Organisation of Africa First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, held on the sidelines of the 37th African Union Assembly.

The First Lady further encouraged the attending First Ladies to be deliberate in providing education and healthcare services to children. She emphasized that such efforts would expose them to a world of limitless opportunities and contribute to leading a dignified life.

The First Lady also disclosed her agreement to serve as the “Voice of the Children of Kenya,” taking on the role of advocating for the well-being of children with a specific focus on issues such as child trafficking, abandonment, and abuse.

The campaign is scheduled to be officially launched in April.

The OAFLAD general assembly saw attendance from Brazil, Angola, the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Eswatini, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Additionally, representatives from six other African countries were also present.

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