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Sunday, June 16, 2024

PDP Govs. Now Band Of Doomsday Vocalists Instead Of Living Up To Expectations — APC

The All Progressives Congress (APC), on Sunday, posited that Governors of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) indicted themselves when they asked President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to throw in the towel over economic situation in the country.

Felix Morka, APC’s spokesperson, in a statement said PDP governors have become “doomsday vocalists” instead of living up to their responsibilities.

According to him, it is “cringeworthy” that the Governors who have stifled their states are speaking about what’s on the President’s table.

“Rather than live up to their responsibilities as chief executive officers of Nigeria’s federating units, the PDP governors have turned themselves into a band of doomsday vocalists, raising their voices to deafening decibels intended to drown the groans of their citizens battered by their critical inertia, ineptitude and dismal performance as governors of their states.

READ ALSO: Tinubu’s Economic Policies Will Soon Yield Positive Results – Wike

“As the federal buck ‘ultimately stops’ at the President’s table so the state buck ‘ultimately stops’ at the governors’ table.

“The PDP governors’ call to the President to throw in the towel is nothing short of self-indictment.

“It is cringeworthy that the same governors that have never justified the massive federal allocations to their states, that have perennially stifled and dispossessed local government administrations of federally allocated funds are talking about ‘buck’. How can a governor of a state in utter shambles like Delta participate, barefaced, in a talk about ‘buck’?

“Has the PDP governor of Delta state even attempted to justify the over 483.57 billion naira federal allocation to the state in 2023? Which part or sector of Delta state bears witness to the use of that huge allocation?

“Delta state retirees have remained desperately pulverized by PDP’s uninterrupted reckless rule since the advent of this Republic in 1999,” the statement read.

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