10.5 C
Monday, June 17, 2024

NPP behind my removal from CPP – Nana Yaa Jantuah alleges

Nana Yaa Jantuah, General Secretary of the CPP

A former General Secretary of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP), Nana Yaa Jantuah, has accused the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of orchestrating her removal.

Nana Yaa resigned on Wednesday following a petition to the National Executive Council (NEC) for her removal.

The tough spoken politician has been accused of misconduct and non-performance.

However, Nana Yaa who is peeved about the incident has taken on the NPP for it, stating the reasons are baseless

She has questioned how a party that provided her with no resources to discharge her duties will tag her as incompetent.

Nana Yaa asserted that, she has on several occasions been accused of criticising the NPP, and working more like a communicator of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

“How can you tell me that I speak for the NDC? That is why I am saying that the NPP is behind what is happening now. Are they not the ones who have been saying this? In what way do I speak for the NDC and how is that even incompetence?” She fumed in an interview on Accra-based UTV.

In view of this, Madam Jantuah is convinced that has counted for her removal but would expect the CPP to clearly state the reasons for her removal.

“When I go on platforms, I speak on issues as they are. Am I a representative of the NDC, if the issue we are discussing is wrong, it is wrong; if it’s right, it is right. The NDC also has its representatives.

“Has anybody at the party written to me that I speak for the NDC? How is that possible?” she quizzed.


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