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Monday, June 17, 2024

NDC may lose Odododiodio seat if… – Ade Coker

Joseph Ade Coker, Former NDC Greater Accra Regional Chairman

Former Greater Accra Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Joseph Ade Coker, says the party risks losing the Odododiodio seat if the issues surrounding the party’s parliamentary primary in the constituency are not addressed appropriately.

The party has suspended all processes related to the parliamentary primary in the Odododiodio Constituency following a violent incident at the Greater Accra Regional office during the vetting of aspirants for the constituency.

The Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the NDC subsequently referred the violence to a special committee for investigation.

Speaking on the Citi TV, Ade Coker stressed the importance of handling the issue properly to ensure that the party does not lose the seat in the 2024 general elections.

“If they don’t handle it well, we will lose that seat, and people must be up and doing because people who have gone to contest in that constituency don’t deserve to be there because that is not their constituency. There is a former NPP person who has been brought in, and he is contesting contrary to the party’s constitution, demanding that he should have served the party within a time frame before contesting. Unfortunately, there is another person who is a former MP for Amasaman who should have gone to Amasaman to ensure that they win the seat again, yet he is contesting at Odododiodio.”

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