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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Decision Of Churches To Consciously Promote And Support The Politics Of Morality | Social

The Atta-Mills Institute (AMI) has noted with extreme satisfaction, the heart-warming and soul-saving decision
by the Church, in Ghana, to henceforth actively and consciously champion the course of managing the affairs of
State according to the principles of the Kingdom of God.

Specifically, we make reference to the communique issued and signed by the President of the Ghana Pentecostal
and Charismatic Council (GPCC), Apostle Eric Kwabena Nyamekye, on Friday, September 22, 2023, at the end of
the 2023 All Ministers Annual Conference (Second Edition), held at the Pentecost Convention Center, Gomoa

In the said Statement, the Church pledged stoic and unwavering commitment to, inter alia, “champion the
inclusion of morality at all levels of our educational structure”. In this regard, it was recommended that the STEM
Flagship Programme be expanded to include, Morality. Thus, it would now be, Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics and Morality (STEMM).

The statement further stated: “It is part of plans of the church to use a well-coordinated and strategic approach
to encourage Christians with high moral integrity to participate in politics at all levels of governance in the
country”. The Church is therefore resolving to, intentionally identify, promote, and strategically support political
actors who have proven moral standards at all levels of the political strata.

As a Public Policy Advocacy Think-Tank which is anchored to our ethos of, Mindset Transformation for Nation
Building, AMI is of the firm belief that placing the God-factor at the core of our developmental agenda is key to
moving Ghana from darkness into light.

Indeed, as close associates of President John Evans Atta-Mills, we witnessed how, working with the Church, his
introduction of the, National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving, strongly supported his glowing three and half years
at the helm of affairs of the nation as far as his Better Ghana Agenda was concerned.

We have never shied away from anchoring our Advocacy Policies to the opening line of our National Anthem “God
bless our homeland Ghana …”, as well as the closing line of the National Pledge “… So help me God”, and so any
programme to give God His rightful place in the affairs of Ghana sits very well with us.

At the birth of Ghana, and as the nation grew, there was a divine reason why the Fathers introduced the Godfactor into two of our key symbols – Anthem and Pledge, and the more we deviate from our divine mandate the
more we shall grope in the dark.

We therefore give the GPCC our full support especially because they have made it very categorical that it is not
just about Christianity; but more to do with moral virtue and integrity.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). “When the righteous are in
authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2).

Ghana is the only country we have and it is our utmost desire to work in tandem with all persons and groups
thatgenuinely seek to walk this dear nation of ours up the path of righteousness.
God bless our Homeland Ghana and make us greater and stronger.

Samuel Koku Anyidoho
(Founder and CEO)




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