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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Take your first salary to your father for his blessings, not your pastor — Kanayo O Kanayo

Renowned Nigerian actor Kanayo O Kanayo is urging young professionals to take their first salary home to their fathers instead of giving it to their pastors, as is a common practice in some religious circles.

In an Instagram post on X on Friday, May 9, Kanayo expressed strong views against the notion that a person’s first salary belongs to their pastor.

“Take your first SALARY to your father for his blessings NOT TO YOUR PASTOR,” wrote Kanayo in the post.

He further criticized a video posted by an unnamed pastor in January claiming that a first salary belongs to them.

“And to that Pastor who said it belongs to him in a video in January, did you ever consider, the feeding/ transportation to and fro the office for that month? Where is this in the Bible?” questioned Kanayo.

The veteran actor and producer urged Christians to think critically about such financial demands from religious leaders.

“CHRISTIANS WAKE UP. This is not Christianity,” stated Kanayo in closing his post.

Kanayo’s remarks have sparked debate online as the practice of giving one’s first salary to a pastor remains popular in many churches, especially in Africa.

Supporters argue it symbolizes blessing the new career while critics see it as excessive requests for money not backed by scripture.

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