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Sunday, June 2, 2024

#DumsorMustStop: Yvonne Nelson notifies police about intention to stage 2nd vigil May 25

Ghanaian actress and activist Yvonne Nelson has notified the Ghana Police Service of her intention to stage a second vigil under her “Dumsor Must Stop” campaign on May 25, in protest of the resurgence of erratic power cuts in the country.

In a letter addressed to the Inspector General of Police and dated May 5, the actress wrote: “We write with reference to section 1 of the Public Order Act (Act 491), which provides that any person who desires to hold any special event within the meaning of that act in any public place shall notify the police of his intention not less than 5 days before the date of the special event.”

She proceeded to outline details of the planned vigil, stating: “The special event will be held on 25th May, 2024 to demonstrate our frustrations over the unacceptable erratic electricity supply (dumsor).

“The special event will be in the nature of a vigil. We have carefully chosen the Revolution Square as the venue because of its historical significance and its proximity to the seat of government to give the president an ocular evidence of the debilitating effects of the erratic power supply (dumsor) on us,” the notice further stated.

The filmmaker anticipates that people would start assembling at Revolution Square from 8:30am, and the crowd would disperse by midnight.

The notification comes after the actress recently called on Ghanaians to join her in organizing another vigil under her “Dumsor Must Stop” campaign, which first took place in 2015 to protest chronic power outages at the time.

Yvonne Nelson expressed disappointment that Ghana is back to experiencing extended periods of dumsor after her initial efforts.


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