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Monday, June 10, 2024

Bawumia dares Mahama to two-man debate

Flagbearer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Mahamudu Bawumia has challenged the National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, John Mahama to engage in a two-man debate ahead of the December 7, general election.

In a statement signed by the Communications Director for the Bawumia campaign team, Dennis Miracles Aboagye, it was highlighted that the debate would focus on the achievements of both candidates and their proposed solutions to address the current economic challenges in the country.

“The big issue for 2024 comes down to the two personalities. Which of the two main candidates will Ghanaians want as their next leader after 2024? The one who was given his chance and blew it through his incompetence, or the one who has shown what he can do even as a Vice President and is now asking to also be allowed to show what he can do as President? We are daring the main opposition Party to come to a debate on the two personalities.

“Dr. Bawumia’s Campaign invites the Ghanaian voter to focus on the credibility and weight of the policies of each of the two foremost presidential candidates – Bawumia and Mahama. In the next few months, the Bawumia campaign will humbly but decisively address all major issues facing our nation and how, with the current positive turnaround, he intends to consolidate the gains and tackle the outstanding issues head-on if given the mandate in December,” part of the statement said.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is set to launch his political campaign today, Monday, April 29, ahead of the elections.

He is expected to begin his tour in the Eastern region and continue in all 16 regions nationwide over the next months.

He will also meet “a wide range of stakeholders, including traditional leaders, the clergy, the youth, traders, drivers, farmers, students and visit businesses, including marketplaces to interact with both traders and consumers” during the tour.


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