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Monday, June 3, 2024

How I knew Akufo Addo will fail- Lydia Forson

Lydia Forson has insisted that the signs were on the wall from the onset that Nana Akufo Addo and his New Patriotic Party (NPP) were bound to fail.

The actress and political commentator said a lot of stinking scandals have been perpetrated under the leadership of Akfu Addo but instead of sacking the perpetrators, he left them off the hook.

He even cited how Eugene Ahin, the Director of communications at the office of the President who infamously plagiarised the speeches by U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and handed them to Nana Akufo Addo.

“When our president didn’t fire Eugene Arhin for plagiarizing his inaugural speech; you should’ve known things were going downhill from there. Plagiarism is literally stealing someone’s work and passing it off as your own. Stealing oh, but he was kept there to continue”, she tweeted.

Lydia did not end there. He condemned the pettiness and intolerable nature of the NPP and how they get offended when they are criticised yet messed up the former John Dramani Mahama for every move he made.

She continued: “Each time the NPP laments over how the minority frustrates their efforts,I wonder if they’re that out of touch. Mahama couldn’t fart without y’all threatening demonstrations; your petty was unmatched. YOU are the reason we’re all on your necks; you laid the foundation.”

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