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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Revoke appointments of our staff to MMDAs

The Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) has expressed concern over recent appointments to various Assemblies, particularly the appointment of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) on February 3, following the dismissal of over 20 DCEs by the President.

In a statement issued on February 23, CLOGSAG raised red flags, citing a Supreme Court ruling on Neutrality.

According to the ruling, civil service staff or staff of the Local Government Service are prohibited from accepting promotions or appointments by political parties.

CLOGSAG, through its statement, has called on appointees who are staff of the Local Government Service to voluntarily resign from their positions.

The association has issued a warning, indicating their intention to take action if the appointees fail to comply with this directive, stating that they will be pursued if they do not resign promptly.

“CLOGSAG would not compromise on the public perception of Neutrality. Therefore, note that it is compelling to abide by the Supreme Court Ruling on Neutrality. The Government Appointees to the Assemblies who are either Civil Service staff or staff of the Local Government Service should honourably resign or else CLOGSAG will smoke them out.

“As Civil Servants, we should not allow ourselves to be appointed or promoted by political bodies as noted above. Again, being sworn in as an Assembly Member, whether as a Government Appointee or elected, violates the ethics of the Local Government Service.

“Members of Civil and Local Government Staff Association, Ghana, (CLOGSAG) are advised not to put themselves in any ambivalent position by being both a staff of the Services and an Assembly member at the same time,” the Executive Secretary of CLOGSAG, Isaac Bampoe Addo, in the statement said.

CLOGSAG called on the government to revoke the appointments of the staff of the Civil Service and the Local Government Service who have been sworn in as Assembly members.

“We call on the Government to revoke the appointments of the staff of the Civil Service and the Local Government Service who have been sworn in as Assembly members as these appointments are in contravention of the Supreme Court Ruling on Neutrality.”


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