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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Are You Better Than Mr. Ibu And Van Vicker?- Wayosi Questions Martha Ankomah

Veteran Kumawood actor, Wayosi has questioned Ghallywood actress, Martha Ankomah if she is any better than her colleagues; Van Vicker, Mr. Ibu, James Gardinar, Kalybos, Prince David Osei, and many others.

Speaking in an interview with Poleeno which was monitored by Ghbase.com, Wayosi said that the beautiful actress has not just insulted one person but a group of people which consists of both the young and the aged.

He claims what the actress has done is very disrespectful and uncouth so she needs to swallow her pride and render an unqualified apology to all Kumawood actors, actresses, and producers among others.

He added that except for coming before them to kneel and apologize to them, they will not accept just any apology from the actress.

“So my sister, we need a very big apology. Bring an apology. And because you have insulted the entire stakeholders, you need to kneel and apologize to us so that we can forgive you”, he said.

He added that not only has Martha Ankomah insulted only Kumawood actors, actresses, directors, and producers but she has also insulted the likes of Van Vicker, Kalybos, and Prince David Osei among others who happen to be her Ghallywood colleagues.

Wayoosi claims the aforementioned group of people went to Kumasi to shoot a series of movies with the Kumawood people.

“When it happens like that, she has insulted her colleague actors and actresses in the Ghallywood”, Wayoosi concluded his statement.

What Did Lilwin Say About Martha Ankomah?

Angry Kumawood actor cum musician, Kwadwo Nkansah famed Lilwin attacked actress Martha Ankomah over a recent comment the Ghallywood actress made about Kumawood.

In a viral video sighted by Ghbase.com, the now-movie producer was seen using unprintable words on the Ghallywood actress.

He also dropped some dirty secrets about the actress.

Lilwin said that the Ghallywood actress disrespected Kumawood actors and actresses, the reason he had launched a scathing attack on her.

According to Lilwin, one of Kumawood’s directors, Frank Fiifi Garbing once contacted the actress to be featured in his upcoming movie but the actress rejected it with no tangible reason.

Lilwin revealed that the actress rejected the gig with claims that Kumawood people do not shoot any sensible movies so she vowed never to go to Kumasi to shoot a movie.

The actress, according to Lilwin said apart from the fact that Kumawood does not shoot sensible movies and their storylines being one way, she dislikes everything about Kumawood.

In his reply, Lilwin said that Kumawood, which Martha Ankomah disrespected produced the likes of Yvonne Nelson, and Jackie Appiah among other Ghallywood stars who are bigger than she is.

He also added that the likes of Van Vicker, Prince David Osei, Rosely Ngisah, Kalybos, James Gardiner, and many other Ghallywood stars bigger than Martha Ankomah all humbled themselves to shoot movies in Kumasi and made money out of them.

Lilwin claimed the actress could have said something better; maybe charging a huge amount so the director would not be able to pay or giving a sensible reason rather than saying she would never shoot a movie in Kumnasi because their stories are senseless.

Lilwin added that Martha Ankomah is a nobody and had it not been GTP and men sleeping with her in exchange for money she would have died out of hunger.

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