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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ghana’s Youngest And Finest Blogger From Kwahu Reveals His Coin Savings Online.

Ogasty Geeba, Ghana’s finest and youngest blogger, who is from Kwahu in the Eastern Region has posted videos of his coin savings on his social media accounts and explains how he achieved it.

This blogger claims that he began saving coins on the first of January 2022 and was able to obtain two boxes of coins. On December 31, 2022, he decided to open the two boxes, and lo and behold, he was on the verge of receiving GHc600 for the year.

He then counsels the populace, especially the youth, to begin saving any spare change they may receive from their daily expenditures for a year. When the year is up, they should examine the total amount they have amassed and should thank him later.

Please click the link below to view the complete video of him explaining his coin savings and please don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel for more celebrity news and more; https://www.celebritieshokonkonsagossip.com/2022/12/ghanas-youngest-and-finest-blogger-from.html

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Eastern Region
Ogasty Geeba


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