7 Drinks Every Man Should Take Regularly To Improve Their Penile Health Naturally


1. Water

Your body relies on a healthy flow of blood and oxygen to the genitals in order to gain and maintain an erection. As dehydration causes your body’s blood vessels to restrict, blood flow is reduced which may make it more difficult for you to perform at your best. So, the more hydrated your system is, the more efficient the circulation becomes.Image credit: medicalnewstoday

2. Watermelon juice

This staple of summertime fruit is fat-free, sodium-free, and high in vitamins A and C. Watermelon is an excellent source of lycopene, an antioxidant that may help lower your risk of prostate cancer. It is also a natural source of citrulline, an amino acid that may help to improve blood flow to your organ.Image credit: parenting.firstcry.com

3. Banana shake

Bananas are a great portable source of quick energy and are rich in potassium, which is needed to regulate nerves, heartbeat and, especially, blood pressure, and also promote testosterone production and healthier erectile function.Image credit: india.com

4. Tomato juice

Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Some research suggests that a diet high in lycopene may help fight male infertility and also reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer.

And because lycopene is tightly bound to the cell walls of raw tomatoes, your body may have trouble extracting it. So, one of the ways you can absorb the nutrient better is by blending your tomato into juice.Image credit: stylesatlife.com

5. Beetroots juice

Beets are well known for their distinct red colour that can stain heavily. It can be an acquired taste, but research shows that some men who regularly consume beets or beet juice swear by its aphrodisiac qualities. It could be because beets contain many nutrients that promote healthy blood circulation and can help protect against heart disease.Image credit: starmommy.com

6. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice’s concentration of antioxidants and ability to impact oxidative stress make it a potential fertility aid. Drinking pomegranate juice can also increase testosterone levels in men, as well as improve blood circulation to the genitals.Image credit: parenting.firstcry.com

7. Coffee

Scientists believe that drinking coffee triggers a chemical reaction in the body that relaxes the arteries and smooth muscle in the genitals, thereby allowing for more blood flow and improving erectile function.Image credit: stylecraze

Likewise, it is also important that you avoid:

*Excessive alcohol consumption.

*Overindulging in soft drinks.

They have both been known to cause erectile dysfunction.

Article Reference: Eatthis.com


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