If you are struggling for rent, be it house rent or shop rent.


Get seven pieces of bay leaf(photo below)

Get big candle that can last up to 7days without off. (The price should be between(1700 to 2000) depending from where you buy it or you buy a thicker one.

Write your intention as seen below(my pen could not write well)

Write your full name

And four signs of your country currency,I used Naira(as seen below)

Write the amount of the rent and the type of rent, Light up the candle when you know your heart is not thinking.

 For each day,place the bay leaf you write something on before the candle and STICK PLEADING ABOUT YOUR HOUSE RENT FAVOUR TO COME.

Note:This only to that purpose only .

After each prayer,burn the bay leaf over the candle and dispose later or you put the ashes in your bathing water.

Don’t put off the candle till it goes off by itself, Continue this for seven days.

And after seven days if the candle never still go off,allow it to burn.

If the candle goes off, light it again,Don’t do this while on your flow.

Don’t accommodate jealousy and evil while doing this

Stay away from sex and evil while doing this.

If you have a dream where you are shown something that is blocking the prayer,stop that prayer,resolve that issue first and resume the prayer.

You can do egg and alligator cleansing if your faith supports it, but that white candle alone will sanitize your environment.

If you are on marriage favour exercise,you can still do this.whether now or in January.

Good luck

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