How To Prepare Egg Balls



Sliced onions

1 28 oz can Italian Plum Tomatoes (put in blender for a few seconds)

1 can peas, drained

1 cup water

olive oil

4 eggs

1 cup seasoned bread crumbs

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste


Beat eggs with whisk.

Add cheddar, bread scraps and flavors and mix well.

Put in cooler for no less than 30 minutes or until the sauce is finished. (The combination will – ought to – thicken in fridge.

Meagerly line lower part of griddle with oil.

Saute onion until brilliant.

Add tomatoes, mix and stew for 1/2 hour.

Add 1 cup water and peas.

Stew 15 minutes more.

Utilizing your hands, take a modest quantity of the egg combination and structure into a ball (comparative in size as a customary meatball) and drop each into the sauce.

Stew in sauce for around 10 minutes.

Turn and stew for around 10 minutes more.

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Italian Plum Tomatoes


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