A/R: Sheep Bleeds Profusely After An 18 Years Old Guy Slept With It


An 18 years old man has had sexual intercourse with a sheep through its anus in Akweala in Atwima Mponua District in the Ashanti region. This incident led to the sheep bleeding profusely from its anus as described by its owner. Aziz went into a farm where the sheep had been tired and had intercourse with it. The farmer said that he was working inside the farm when he heard the sheep crying.

He quickly arrived on the scene and caught Aziz in the act. Aziz quickly escaped leaving behind his slippers and a bicycle he came with. The case was reported to the chiefs and Unit committee members of the area. The bicycle which Aziz was having belonged to another man which he went for to the farm. The man asked about the whereabouts of his bicycle but Aziz could not give any tangible answer.

The mother of Aziz also realized that Aziz for some days was now wearing his sister’s slippers. His mother asked the reason why he was wearing his sister’s slippers and he said his was missing. The unit committee chairman, Usif Hikuri then announced the case in the committee of a man who slept with a sheep and left behind his slippers and bicycle.

The family members of Aziz now got to know that it was their son who committed that crime. They reported their son to the Chiefs for the necessary rituals to be performed. Aziz’s mother disclosed that his son recently completed senior high school. Since he came home from completing school, she realized that his son’s behaviour had changed and was doing things abnormally. 

She pleaded with the Chiefs and Unit Committee members to help them perform the necessary rituals to set his son free from anything that is oppressing him and causing him to do abnormal things.  

Content created and supplied by: A.Joy (via Opera
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