Mahama failed the people of Dagbon


Former President John Dramani MahamaFormer President John Dramani Mahama

Former President John Mahama lacks the resourcefulness that is needed in the character traits of leaders with good problem-solving skills.

This is according to Mr. Stephen Ashitey Adjei, alias Moshake, an executive of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Tema East.

In a write-up, Moshake points out that Mr. Mahama’s inability to use his days at Ghana’s presidency to solve the Dagbon crisis is a screaming example of his utter lack of problem-solving skills.

“As a Northerner, Mr. John Mahama failed his own kith and kin at Dagbon in the Northern Region with his monumental failure to end the Dagbon crisis both as Vice President and later as President,” Moshake wrote.

He added that President Akufo-Addo’s resolution of the conflict and ushering of Dagbon back into days of peace is a development that takes the massive shine away from Mr. Mahama as a son of the North.

“It means that as a son of the North, when John Mahama found himself in a position to bring his people peace, he failed to live up to his duty. But it took an Akyem man called Nana Akufo-Addo to bring John Mahama’s people peace,” Moshake wrote.

According to him, “the fact that President Akufo-Addo, an Akyem, is called ‘Abudani’ while John Mahama is nicknamed ‘dead goat’ is an indictment of the highest order. It is the most compelling evidence that John Mahama is not a problem solver.”

Abudani is the nickname given to President Akufo-Addo as a result of his successful reunification of the Abudu and Andani royal gates of Dagbon, who had been involved in a longstanding chieftaincy conflict over the Dagbon skin.

The name is a conjoinment of a shortening of the names of the two royal gates.

On the contrary, the so-called ‘dead goat’ nickname that has been given by former President Mahama is a derogatory one that arose out of the former President declaring while he was in power that he had become numb to criticisms like a dead goat.

Meanwhile, Moshake writes that Mahama’s lack of problem-solving skills was one of the reasons why the NDC lost power in 2012 and 2016.

According to him, this lack of resourcefulness created room for former President Kufuor of the NPP to step in and manipulate Mahama into alienating the NDC’s late founder, Jerry Rawlings, from the party.

“Rawlings became angry with all of us in the NDC because of John Mahama’s inability to manage him properly and this cost us dearly.

“One time, while he was president, he was having a meeting with his mentor, Kufuor in his house when former President Rawlings visited to seek an audience with him. Mahama made Rawlings sit and wait for hours, but he never showed up because of his meeting with Kufuor,” Moshake wrote.

He added, “how could Mr. Mahama have treated his own party founder like that, especially when everyone knew that Rawlings and Kufuor were not on good terms?”

In addition to not being a problem solver, Moshake also accused John Mahama of being a problem creator, writing, “all the problems that brought NDC out of power were created by Mahama, whether it was the Rawlings and Konadu estrangement, the refusal to pay teacher and Nursing trainees, or the goofy declaration of his dead goat syndrome.”


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