Boost your wellness and longevity journey with these supplements


It’s no secret that ageing is inevitable. But, if you have to age, why not do everything you can to put it off as long as possible? Researchers say adopting healthy lifestyle changes now can help you age well and even add a few extra years to your life.

It all begins with healthy living: eating well, exercising regularly, making sure you get enough sleep and, as mental health is just as important, engaging in activities that nurture both the mind and the soul.

With summer on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to embark on your own wellness and longevity journey.

A good place to start is with mindful eating, which means being aware of where your food comes from and what it contains and tailoring your diet and nutrition to your needs. However, there are only so many vitamins and minerals you can get from the food you eat, and this is where supplements can assist.

One such supplement is collagen, as it benefits so many parts of the body. Consuming collagen may have a variety of health benefits, from relieving joint pain to improving skin health.

It plays a role in strengthening skin plus may benefit elasticity and hydration. Research shows collagen may be able to provide natural relief to ageing. In a 24-week study, researchers gave collagen supplements to athletes without any joint diseases to see how it would affect both their cartilage and pain levels.

The results showed that collagen reduced pain while standing, lifting heavy objects and even at rest. While more research is still needed, this study supports the possibility that collagen may help slow down joint deterioration in individuals, such as those with arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Because the body produces less collagen as you age, to maintain and improve its condition, you should take collagen supplements regularly.

Whether it’s walking, running, yoga or playing sport, exercise plays a crucial role in every wellness programme. The endorphins released when exercising have been proven to relieve stress, lift the spirits and counteract anxiety and depression.

Taking a collagen supplement will assist in maintaining bones, joints, cartilage, tendons and ligaments, so your body is able to handle exercise easily, plus it will relieve those stiff joints. Collagen also helps you to build lean muscle and burn fat. And all this exercise results in improved sleep, which is essential to heal both body and mind.

Collagen’s anti-ageing properties should not be overlooked. Collagen works to improve skin hydration and elasticity, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles, not to mention boosting the condition of hair, nails and teeth. And there’s nothing that boosts your confidence like looking younger.

However, to reap the benefits, you must take it regularly. Leanne Rohrs, founder of health supplement specialists, Be Bright says, “we recommend taking at least 10g (one heaped teaspoon), preferably 20g, of collagen powder a day.

“To achieve good results, do this over an extended period. You should see and feel the effects within three to twelve weeks depending on the condition of your existing collagen structures.”

Including it in your diet is simple. “You can mix it into yoghurt or a smoothie, sprinkle it on cereal or stir it into orange juice or your morning cup of coffee. But if you’re adding it to something cold, make sure the powder is completely dissolved by first mixing it into a small amount of warm water,” advises Leanne. “Collagen powder is heat stable, so you can even include it when baking things like banana bread, rusks and protein bars.”

Another supplement that Leanne recommends is Açai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry powder. Harvested from the Açai palm found in protected forests in Brazil, this berry is one of the world’s superfoods. It’s packed with vitamins including Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. It also has an unusually high number of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that help fight cell-damaging free radicals. Another reason to take it is that it’s rich in Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, which are essential for promoting heart and brain health.

“As the berries deteriorate within 24 hours of being harvested, they are freeze dried to preserve their vitamins and nutrients and then ground into an easy-to-absorb powder,” explains Leanne. “It’s low in sugar and high in fibre which is good for digestive health, and it tastes a bit like unsweetened dark chocolate.” She recommends mixing it with water and adding it to smoothies, shakes, yoghurt and juices. “And it’s suitable for those on keto, paleo and vegan diets,” she adds.

Açai berry powder is also known for its anti-ageing properties. Its concentrated antioxidants improve the skin, and regular use increases energy levels and reduces inflammation of the joints. So not only do you look younger, but you feel younger and best of all, you feel great.

Although we can’t stop the clock, we can fight the signs of ageing and the ageing process by investing in wellness and longevity regimes.

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