We’ve learnt bitter lessons – Mahama


General News of Thursday, 11 November 2021

Source: www.ghanaweb.com


Former President John Dramani MahamaFormer President John Dramani Mahama

• John Mahama says he has learnt his lesson from the 2020 elections

• This lesson, he said is a ‘bitter’ one

• He spoke at a lecture in Accra

Former President John Dramani Mahama has said the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has learnt its lessons from the 2020 General Elections.

He described the lessons as “bitter”.

“We in the NDC have duly learned useful, if even, bitter lessons from the entire (election 2020) episode,” John Dramani Mahama explained.

He believes that the election which was held on December 7, 2020, was “the worst election” in the history of Ghana.

He said the NDC was ready to provide constructive inputs to prevent the shortcomings in the 2020 election from repeating themselves.

“We are willing to engage the Electoral Commission with constructive dialogue with a view to addressing the clear shortfalls of our present electoral system and fashion out one that meets the expectation of all if we are to avoid the unfortunate incidents of 2020,” Mahama said during a public lecture, dubbed, ‘ThankGhana, Social Justice and A Sustainable Economy’, held at the Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City, Accra on November 10, 2021.

The former President noted, the opposition NDC had been carrying out consultations with various stakeholders with a view to improving the electoral process.

He then made 34 recommendations which he hopes will be adopted to reform the country’s electoral processes.

John Dramani Mahama noted that his party was looking forward “to having an opportunity with the Electoral Commission to discuss these reforms and their possible implementation.”


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