Fred Amugi never ages even at 73 years


Entertainment of Friday, 5 November 2021



Actor, Fred AmugiActor, Fred Amugi

• Actor Fred Amugi is 73 years

• Several messages have poured in for him

• Fred Amugi is one of Ghana’s renowned actors

Veteran actor, Freda Amugi is the real definition of black don’t crack!

Today November 5, 2021, marks his 73rd birthday, but fans say he doesn’t look his age. Others say he has aged gracefully and made a good name for himself in the movie industry.

To mark this special day, the actor has shared a piece of advice on his Instagram page.

He has admonished every individual to allow God to order their path.

Mr Amugi has starred in a tall list of movies in Ghana and parts of the African continent.

His message reads: “The clock continues to tic by, tic toc, tic toc. It says and today, I’m 73 years. It is the will and the abundant blessings of the Almighty that has brought me this far. The bread of life is given only by the Creator Himself. My wish for all and sundry is that, allow He who created you to design your stay in this sinful world till He calls you to eternity. Let us leave a legendary mark on brass and not on water for the generation after us to follow. Play safe always for the sake of Christ. God richly bless you all.”

Uncle Fred as he is called by his colleagues began his acting career in 1970 in Drama and rose to fame through the television series “Opinto”.

Best among his works includes, ‘Who killed Nancy’, ‘Nyame Bekyere’, ‘Kofi Nkrabea’, ‘Shoe Shine Boy’ and ‘ Keteke’.

As we celebrate Mr Amugu, here is a compilation of some of his best looks.


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