New Regent for Langbinsi installed


A delegation from Nayiri led by Chief Sampa, in charge of the funerals of Nayiri warriors and Nayiri Man-Naaba on Friday 29th October 2021 installed the elderly son of the late Kanbon-Naaba of Langbinsi, Mr. Ahn-Zim Wusa Manga as the Regent of Langbinsi and Chief Kanbon-Naaba of Nayiri in the North East Region of Ghana.

His coronation followed the death of his late father, Chief of Langbinsi and the Chief Warrior of Nayiri, Chief Yidana Wusa Manga, who passed away on September 17, 2021, at the Baptist Medical Centre after a short illness.

The activity brought together family members, relatives and friends, chiefs of various communities of Nayiri, in-laws, schoolmates, politicians and former co-workers of different organisations the late Chief Kanbon-Naaba worked with across the country among others.

The essence of the traditional exercise, according to the Man-Naaba of Nayiri is to formally initiate the funeral of the late Kanbon-Naaba which paved the way for the installation of his son as the Regent to act in the capacity of his late father as Chief Kanbon-Naaba of Nayiri and also the Chief of Langbinsi whilst efforts are made to organize the final funeral rites of the late Chief in consultation with Nayiri to eventually enskin a substantive Kanbon-Naaba for the community.

These two traditional activities held on separate occasions at Langbinsi late Chief Kanbon-Naaba’s palace are held in very high esteem by the Nayiri as such activities are hosted amidst traditional drumming and dancing as well as traditional gunshots by fellow warriors.

There was, however, a Christian burial service organised by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana held at the Langbinsi Town Football Park later in the afternoon of Friday in honour of the late Chief Kanbon-Naaba as he was a practising Christian who fellowshipped with the church for decades.

The occasion was graced by other Christian denominations such as the Catholic, Anglican and Baptist churches.

The late Chief Kanbon-Naaba, a retired successful agriculturalist, was survived by a wife, a teacher by profession and six daughters and the only son who is now the Regent and Chief Kanbon-Naaba of Langbinsi.


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