Akyem Mampong, Ahankrasu Gets CHPS Compounds


The Deputy Minister for Health, Hon. Mahama Asei Seini, has commission two CHPS compounds at Akyem Mampong and Ahankrasu in the Atiwa East District in the Eastern Region.

The cost of the CHPS Compound is about GHS 1.3million and has been designed with a Main Clinic, two 1-Bedroom staff facility and a 2-Bedroom staff facility.

The CHPS Compound consist of OPD, 10-seater capacity waiting area, Ante-natal Consulting rooms, Counselling room, Treatment Room, Mini Laboratory, 4-bed ward, Delivery Unit with a 2-bed lying-in and a Borehole with water pump.

Hon. Mahama Asei Seini, in his address said, the Government’s commitment to achieving the SDGs and UHC cannot be over-emphasized and that bringing primary health care services to the doorstep of communities and individuals remains high on the agenda of the Government.

He also said, the facilities will improve the geographical access to health care thereby impacting on the reduction of the burden of maternal and child health morbidity and mortality in the communities.


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