Stop TB Partnership is advocating for the prevention of Tuberculosis to be made a political priority in Ghana.


Stop TB Partnership is advocating for the prevention of Tuberculosis to be made a political priority in Ghana.

According to the group, the curable disease has become a silent canker in the country with children being the major casualties.

The Board Chairman, David Kwasi Afreh, made the call in an interview with Adom News.

He explained in the first half of 2021, 338 out of 6,604 TB cases recorded were children, hence immediate attention is needed to control the spread.

“Childhood TB is one of the most dangerous diseases and as such, there must be a high-level political commitment for the attainment of Ghana UNHLM Targets and Commitments by June 2022,” he urged.

In attaining this goal, Mr Afreh noted an amount of $25,566,134 million will be needed for the mobilisation of resources.


The Programmes Manager for the National Tuberculosis Control Programme, Dr Adusi-Poku, also added his voice to the clarion call, adding there must be frequent monitoring of Ghana’s situation with treatment processes made available.

He noted that to detect Ghana’s situation, the organisation can ride on the back of Covid-19 since they have similar symptoms and educate Ghanaians on prevention and stigmatisation.

Stop TB Partnership is made up of Civil Society Organisations, Private and Public Sectors, Research and Academia, and individuals under the TB Control Programme with support from the Global Fund.


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