Farmer allegedly impregnates widow and defiles daughters


A 52-year-old farmer, Abdul Samed-Fuseini, arrested and accused of impregnating a helpless widow, and repeatedly raping and defiling three underage sisters, is standing trial in a Walewale District Court in the North East Region.

His charges are five counts of rape, incest and defilement.

The accused, a native of Tamplungu near Walewale, allegedly abused the girls when their father, ostensibly the suspect’s best friend, died, and he took guardianship.


Count One: Defilement of female under 16 years of age contrary to Section:- 101 of the Criminal and other Offences ACT 1960 (ACT 29).

Count Two: Defilement of female under 16 years of age contrary to Section:- 101 of the Criminal and other Offences ACT 1960 (ACT 29).

Count three: Rape contrary to Section 97 of the Criminal and other Offences ACT 1960, (ACT 29).

Count Four: Incest contrary to Section 105 of the Criminal and other Offences ACT 1960, (ACT 29) Count Five: Incest contrary to Section 105 of the Criminal and other Offences Act 1960, (ACT 29).

Abdul Samed-Fuseini is to reappear in court on 8th September 2021.

Meanwhile, a Non-Governmental Organization, SONGTABA, has reported the issue to the Commission of Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) and the Department of Social Welfare.

As an NGO empowering women and promoting child rights protection, the Executive Director, Hajia Lamnatu Adam in an interview raised alarm over community leaders and politicians, sometimes interfering in such reprehensible acts.

According to her, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes are underreported in Ghana, contending that the police mostly delays in effectively investigating such cases.

She urged civil society organizations to join the crusade of ensuring justice for the helpless victims.


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