Tackle technical, financial, managerial challenges of BOST – Prempeh to Board


Business News of Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Source: classfmonline.com


New BOST BoardNew BOST Board

The Minister of Energy, Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh, on Friday, 6 August 2021, inaugurated the newly-constituted Board of Directors of the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Limited (BOST).

In his remarks, Dr Prempeh reminded the Board of BOST’s mandate to manage the strategic petroleum reserves and transport petroleum products at its depots located throughout the country.

He further charged the Board to vigorously tackle the challenges of the company technically, financially, and managerially and urged them to work harmoniously with the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) as the regulator of the industry to ensure that BOST delivers its services to consumers seamlessly.

According to Dr Prempeh, BOST needs dynamism to achieve its key legal expectation of keeping petroleum reserves that will last up to 12 weeks minimum, which is crucial to Ghana’s economic growth.

He expressed confidence that the members of the board will be able to provide the leadership and direction required to ensure BOST achieves its mandate.


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