We’re waiting for the outcome of Appeals Court case to plan Assin North by-election


General News of Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Source: rainbowradioonline.com


EC Chairperson, Jean Adukwei MensaEC Chairperson, Jean Adukwei Mensa

The Electoral Commission (EC) says it is waiting for the ruling from the Cape Coast Appeals Court in the Central Region on the annulment of the 2020 Assin North Constituency Elections.

The National Democratic Congress’ (NDC) ‘MP’ James Gyakye Quayson, is appealing against the High Court ruling which nullified his election as the Member of Parliament for the area.

Mr. Quayson, in his appeal, insisted that the Cape Coast High Court erred in its ruling, hence his action.

The Cape Coast High Court last Wednesday ruled that Mr. Quayson, at the time of filing his documents to contest the election in Assin North, still held allegiance to another country other than Ghana.

Reacting on the issue on Nyankonton Mu Nsem, the Deputy Central Regional Director of EC, Alex Manu Sekyi, explained that, even though the High Court has declared the seat vacant, the EC is waiting for the determination of the Appeals Court before it can take any action.

Mr. Sekyi said the EC received the petition from the Appeals Court on Monday to halt any attempts to embark on by-election; therefore, it is waiting on the decision from the Appeals Court to take a decision.


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