Humble achiever, you’ll never be forgotten


The late Professor John Atta MillsThe late Professor John Atta Mills

Former President John Dramani Mahama has eulogised his former boss the late President John Evans Atta Mills describing him as a humble achiever.

“Yes, he was a father for all! This was not all. Every sector of our national life, including education and health received massive boost and growth, particularly through investments in socio-economic infrastructure and human resource development,” Mr. Mahama noted at the 9th wreath-laying ceremony of the passing of the late President

“Yet, being the humble achiever that he was, Prof. in tandem with the tradition of the NDC derived no satisfaction or desire to reel off his unmatched economic statistics in self-praise, when his work was there to speak for him,” he said.

Mr Mahama who was Vice President Mills also noted he lost more than a boss when the late professor died on July 24, 2012.

“Nine years have passed but anytime we celebrate the anniversary of his departure, we are reminded of the values and principles he extolled and lived-by: a Leadership of Service, Compassion, Integrity, Humility, Sacrifice, and Unity.

“Centuries will come and go, and monuments will rise and fall, but your name and memory, Prof., will last throughout the ages”.

Professor died as sitting president haven ruled for three years.


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