Okyeame Kwame, McBrown urge attention for persons with disability


Okyeame Kwame and Nana Ama McBrownOkyeame Kwame and Nana Ama McBrown

Ghanaian hiplife star Okyeame Kwame has described as unfortunate instances of marginalization, disrespect or discrimination against persons with disability, since everyone is a potential person with disability.

According to him, in spite of his fine appearance and unmatched singing talent, he himself is half disabled suffering from fractional visual impairment.

“At the age of 30 years, I started having difficulty with my vision…and therefore cannot see properly without wearing my lenses…that’s why people sometimes tease me that even inside the gym I still wear my lenses.”

Speaking as one of the ambassadors for the upcoming Ability Fair being organized by the Henry Djaba Memorial Foundation to showcase the talents, abilities and artefacts of persons with disability, Okyeame Kwame expressed utmost disappointment about the level of disrespect, marginalization, abuse and intimidation against the persons with disability by sections of the society.

He expressed the need for all Ghanaians, especially those in decision making positions to emulate the shining example of Dr. Otiko Djaba and prioritize the interest, welfare and development of the persons with disability to enable them realize their hidden potentials.

The popular TV presenter and movie superstar, Nana Ama McBrown, who is also an ambassador for the Ability Fair, agreed with what Okyeame Kwame said, stressing that disability is no respecter of any person and anyone could become a victim through accidents, sicknesses and diseases such as stroke and diabetes among others.

Nana Ama McBrown, who was involved in a fatal accident and nearly lost her life, said that even after several years of the incident, she still had metallic implant in one of her arms.

Applauding the leader of the Foundation, Dr. Otiko Djaba, for the Ability Fair initiative, she encouraged the society and individuals to show more love, care and support to the persons with disability in order to build their confidence.

Nana Ama McBrown called on corporate organisations to consider employing qualified persons with disability since they also deserve better.

The first ever Ability Fair, which is being organized in partnership with UNFPA, is scheduled for 30th and 31st of July 2021 and will be held at the forecourt of the Mikaddo Pharmacy, formerly Kama Conference Centre, Osu, Accra between 9am and 4pm each day.

It is under the theme: ‘Creating Opportunities for Persons With Disability’.


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