‘Two bad mouths tearing each other apart! This gonna bi lit!’ – Ghanaians react to Twene Jonas cum Afia Schwar’s clash » ™


Twene Jons is in the trade of attacking all Ghanaians but has this time around stepped on the toes of Afia Schwarzenegger.

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But the comedienne has sent a caution note to him not to step on his toes or risk been deported back to Ghana.

But following social media commentary, it seems social media users are rejoicing after Twene Jonas hit back at Afia Schwarzenegger.

In his latest video, Twene Jonas did not insinuate but mentioned Schwar’s name to rain invective on her. He stated that Schwar is the ugliest woman alive as we speak!

Jonas also likened Schwar’s face to ‘fufu funu’ (leftover fufu), and some social media users are jubilating over the insult.

Ah well, the battle line has been drawn as netzines have postulated that this gonna bi lit!

Check out the screenshots below to enjoy the conversation:


Francis Bangura seems really excited: “Some people thought they had Monopoly over insults, but twene Jonas appeared from nothing and has taken lead like Sammy gyamfi is doing as a political commentator.”

Ommar iM. Kiidman is here for all of it: “Two bad mouths tearing each other apart? Can’t wait for her reply…This gonna bi lit!”

Kwamina Baidoo has jokes: “This is a battle between queen of insults and king of insults but it seems the face of insults hemaa has been badly bruised”

Blessing Fous is big on gender equity: “Nobody should come and say afia is a lady so twene Jonas shouldn’t use some words on her”

Ommar iM. Kiidman is here for all of it: “Two bad mouths tearing each other apart? Can’t wait for her reply…This gonna bi lit!”

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