The size of a man’s stick has nothing to do with his ability to perform in bed


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Ama Serwaa, a Ghanaian actress and fashion designer, has made an assertion that many will doubt but from all indications, she is talking from experience.

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Ama Serwaa in an appearance on eTV Ghana’s adult edutainment programme “In Bed with Adwen,” noted that Ewe and Northern males always have their s3x game on point, regardless of the size of their pen!s.

“Whether they have a huge or little penis, Ewe men and Northern men are fantastic in bed. You may come across a tall, muscular sheep man with a small penis, but you will be shocked when you have sex with him,” she remarked.

When she was asked if the size of a man’s penis matters in evaluating how wonderful he is in bed, she mentioned it is far from that.

“It doesn’t matter how big it is. There are people who have extremely large penises, but when they have sex with you, it doesn’t feel good because they don’t know how to use them properly. She said, “There are also men with extremely little penises who know how to make you enjoy every moment of intercourse with them.”

According to the actress, the size of a man’s penis has nothing to do with his ability to perform in bed.

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