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Monday, June 17, 2024

I’ll only attend Sagana 3 meeting if invited by Uhuru, says Mwangi Kiunjuri –

The Service Party (TSP) leader Mwangi Kiunjuri during a past meeting. [Boniface Gikandi]

The Service Party (TSP) leader Mwangi Kiunjuri has said that he will only attend the Sagana 3 meeting if invited by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Kiunjuri insisted that for him to attend, the meeting must also have a clear agenda for the Mt Kenya region.

Speaking after attending a burial ceremony in Muringato village in Nyeri County, Kiunjuri said that if the meeting expected to be held next Wednesday will only be a Jubilee affair, then he has no business attending it.

“As TSP, if invited by the Head of State to forge a way forward for the region, we will attend with the agenda set out clearly to us,” said the former CS.

He said this is because the President is keen on strengthening the Jubilee Party while TSP is an independent party and therefore if Sagana is to be a party affair, then they would not attend.

On the contentious issue of coalitions, the former Agriculture CS said that no party will form the next government without a pre or post-election coalition.

“We are alive to the fact that no one will win this alone so we will either form a coalition before or after the polls which we will decide. For now, it is still too early,”  Kiunjuri explained.

The TSP party leader said he sees no problem with parties forming coalitions like Azimio La Umoja or Kenya Kwanza which are now allowed by the Constitution.

“It is true that many candidates are seeking our party’s ticket to evade nominations in the other big parties. However, this is because the era of voting for one party for all elected positions is over,” said Kiunjuri.

Kiunjuri maintained that small parties cannot fold in Central Kenya and insisted that they will play a critical role in ensuring residents in the region get their rightful share in any government.

“I want to urge residents not to embrace the three-piece type of voting but instead choose an individual due to his or her performance,” said Kiunjuri.

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