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Monday, June 3, 2024

iOS 15.4 adds 42 new emojis to the iPhone catalog; check out the stickers –

In the recently released iOS 15.4, currently in the hands of testers, Apple finally supported the new emojis of the new Unicode 14 standard. hand”, now with different skin colors.

The addition was discovered yesterday (27), shortly after the system’s debut in the Apple Beta Software Program. New stickers include “Face Melting”, “Greeting”, “Snooping”, “Hand Down”, “Heart with Fingers”, “Heart with Hand”, “X-Ray” and “Crutch”.

Now, these emojis can be used at least in iMessage in conversations with other iPhone users. In WhatsApp, however, these expressions are not yet available, as they are not yet supported in the messenger.

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In addition to the new emojis, iOS 15.4 introduced FaceID support for masks (no need for an Apple Watch). The novelty meets the need to unlock the cell phone in public environments, where taking off the mask is not advised.

For now, there is no forecast for the release of iOS 15.4 to the general public. If the tests go well and the new features don’t have any issues, it will be a short time before everyone can try the update.

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