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Monday, June 17, 2024

Windows 11 may have new design element soon –

Like Windows 10, Windows 11 will also undergo several transformations over the course of its official support period. In these updates, not even the look of the system should remain the same and, in the latest OS test version (Build 22523), we found signs of a new style of design not yet officialized by Microsoft and which may soon be introduced.

The addition’s name is “Tabbed” and it would join the three other materials that make up Windows 11 — Acrylic, Mica, and Smoke. Visually, this new interface element is very similar to Mica, with slight transparency for the computer wallpaper, but much more opaque and sober.

“Tabbed” was added as a public API, so Microsoft’s goal would be to put it as an option for third-party apps. It would be up to interested developers to study the library to understand how best to implement it in their own programs.

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Material has not yet been made official

So far, MS hasn’t listed the material on the official support page, suggesting that the feature is still under development and may undergo changes. Until everything is properly documented, both “common” users and programmers should wait for something new from the company.

For now, there is no forecast for the definitive release of “tabbed” in Windows — and, in fact, that may not even happen. If the feature is formally introduced, however, members of the Windows Insider program should be the first to experience the feature, so the general public would be a few months away to check out what’s new.

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