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Monday, June 17, 2024

African experts to xray COVID-19 @ #StartupSouth:#LifeAfterCorona |

Experts from across Africa will converge online at the #StartupSouth:#LifeAfterCorona Virtual Conference on Monday March 30, at 4pm (GMT+1) to discuss the Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Africa and advise appropriate response by corporate organisations and Governments.

Uche Aniche, convener, #StartupSouth said that as Corona Virus ravage the world, humanity is responding with resources being deployed to contain it.

“Experts agree that like every pandemic in world’s history, Corona Virus will leave in its wake a devastating economic outcome for humanity. Also drawing from history, it’s not difficult to see that Africa will be the most hit. While everyone else is focused on measures to contain, it’s our considered view that some people can elevate the conversation to focus on dealing with the aftermath of Covid-19” he said

#StartupSouth: #LifeAfterCorona Conference will feature expert epidemiologists, bankers, data analysts and the innovation community in an online conference to discuss post-CoronaVirus economic impact & response analysis for Africa by Africans.

Expected outcomes would include ideas on African focused initiatives to leverage opportunities and minimize negative economic consequences for post-pandemic Africa.

Some of the already confirmed experts include Mrs. Ndidi Nwuneli (Co-Founder at Sahel Capital and Founder, LEAP Africa), Bradley Shaw (Regional Manager, MEA, NuRAN Wireless), Ben White (Co-Founder, Venture Capital for Africa VC4A.com), Cheta Nwanze (Lead Partner, SBM Intelligence) and many others.

The Conference is supported by VC4A.com, SBM Intelligence and Society of Igbo Professionals (SIP). Attendance is free subject to registration via bit.ly/covid19vc.

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