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Sunday, June 16, 2024

LOC tasked to raise funds, support for Bash Ali’s Guinness Book of Records bid |

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Apart from ensuring that Bash Ali’s quest to enter the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest boxer to compete in a title fight, the local organizing committee (LOC) set up by the Federal Government for the bout has been tasked to garner enough support from Nigerians for the event.

The committee is also expected to get in touch with the president of the International Boxing Union and pay-per-view operators to iron out the modalities for the record setting event.

Speaking on the fight, which has been on the drawing board for over 15 years, Sports Minister, Solomon Dalung last week affirmed the Federal Government’s commitment to ensure an atmosphere conducive for the event, saying, however, that it would not condone any act that would undermine the integrity and security of the country.

He said the LOC’s terms of reference include, among others, to “galvanise all sources of support and funding through marketing and promotion to meet immediate demands of the approving boxing union, logistics and events management; to use a befitting venue in any state in Nigeria to host this historic fight; and to undertake the packaging of this historic fight in an efficient, effective, transparent and accountable manner.”

Commending Bash Alli on his determination to see the fight through, Dalung promised that the Federal Government would support him to win the championship title and achieve the Guinness Book of Records dream.

He said, “The quest by champion Bash Ali to have the fight in Nigeria despite juicy offers to have it outside the country, undoubtedly, springs from depth of patriotism, zeal and positive outlooks which are the hallmarks of a world champion.

“The multiple effects of successfully hosting such an epoch-making fight are numerous. Aside the direct benefit to him as the fighter, it will also bring honour and glory to Nigeria, as well as financial growth.”

Apart from Dalung, who is the chairman, the LOC also has Dr. Ademola Are (secretary), Mr. Tim Mudia (assistant Secretary) and 19 others, who will work in different capacities to ensure the success of the fight.

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