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Monday, June 3, 2024

False Claims on developmental projects by NDC Parliamentary Candidate Prof. Hamza Adam in the Kumbungu District

The Zamigu Youth 4NPP in the Kumbungu Constituency is appalled and disappointed by the constant false claims on projects being claim by the NDC Parliamentary Candidate, Prof Hamza Adam.

Prof. Hamza Adam, as well as his team has been circulating false information, claiming credit for projects initiated and completed by Hon.Abdul Salam Hamza Fatawu a.k.a Tumalana, the New Patriotic Party Parliamentary Candidate for Kumbungu constituency. The projects purported to be undertaken by the MP includes: the initiation and completion of Kumbungu- Gbullung road, the construction of Dalun – Nawuni road, providing the good people of Gupanerigu with electricity, providing the good people of Limo with electricity, providing the good people of Kpegu , Biegu and Bagurugu with electricity, and many more. This information is a blatant lie and an attempt to throw dust into the eyes of the good people of Kumbungu constituency.

We, the Zamigu Youth 4NPP condemn this behaviour and urge Hon. Prof Hamza to desist from peddling falsehoods. The people of Kumbungu deserve truth and honesty from their leaders. The New Patriotic Party and Hon. Abdul-Salaam Hamza Fatawu will continue to work tirelessly to develop our district and improve the lives of the citizenry.

The Zamigu Youth 4NPP is equally pleased to commend the Kumbungu District Chief Executive for the initiation of the construction of the Nawuni Bridge. This significant infrastructure project will not only enhance connectivity but also promote economic development and improve the overall well-being of the community.

The Nawuni Bridge is a vital link that will facilitate easier access to essential services, educational institutions, and marketplaces for the residents of Kumbungu District. The Zamigu Youth 4NPP recognizes the foresight and dedication of the District Chief Executive in addressing the infrastructure needs of the community.

The people of Singa and the constituents must be commended for their quest to embrace Hon Fataw,in the upcoming December 7, 2024 elections.

It is worth noting that since 1992, the people of Singa have been calling to be connected to the national grid. It had to finally take Hon. Fataw to ensure that they are now connected to the national grid.

As the construction of Nawuni Bridge progresses, the Zamigu Youth 4NPP looks forward to the completion of the Nawuni Bridge and the positive impact it will have on the lives of the people in the region. We commend the efforts of the Kumbungu District Chief Executive and express our gratitude for prioritizing the development of essential infrastructure.

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