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Monday, June 3, 2024

What has the church done about the sins in the Bible? – Sam Okudzeto –

Veteran Ghanaian lawyer and Council of State member, Sam Okudzeto has criticised religious groups for their support of the Anti-LGBT+ Bill pending presidential approval.

He noted that the church’s vocal advocacy for the anti-gay bill is inappropriate in a democratic society.

The seasoned lawyer suggested that the church should concentrate on addressing the sins mentioned in the Bible to lead people to Christ, rather than advocating for a cause that does not impact their faith.

Okudzeto remarked that it is unjust for the church to focus on a single sin when there are other issues that have been overlooked and have become normalised in society.

“We have even tried to induce the churches, they are all running around calling on the president to sign the bill. All the sins which are listed in the Bible, what have they been doing about it?

“LGBT+ is the only one they have seen? We talk about corruption; corruption from the messenger to the top, every one of us is involved in corruption,” he said, according to 3news.com.

About the anti-gay bill:

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, the Ghanaian Parliament passed the Promotion of Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill, commonly known as the anti-LGBT+ Bill.

Awaiting the president’s signature, the bill outlaws LGBT activities and penalizes their promotion, advocacy, and funding.

Individuals involved in these activities could face six months to three years in prison, while those promoting or sponsoring them could receive three to five years.

The bill requires the president’s signature within seven days to become law.

However, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has withheld his response to the bill, pending the Supreme Court’s decision on Richard Dela Sky’s case, before determining his course of action.


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